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Medical debt collection

Medical debt collection

Key Takeaway From Medical Debt Collection Agencies

Do you find yourself in need of a medical debt collection agency? There are a few things you should know about how to locate a reputable company to help you collect on your medical bills. Best Approach: Have a procedure in place for collection activities where payment is past due for more than 30 days.

Better Approach: Hire a medical debt collection agency specifically to do that job for you. Collection agencies have been around in the United States since at least the 1930's because you can't beat their efficiency, and tactics used to collect debt from past due accounts with little to no effort. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure you are dealing with a reputable company.

Check out your state board to see if there are any complaints filed against medical debt collection agencies. If there are none, then you are safe to proceed. However, it never hurts to check up on the company, just to be sure. Ask the company for references. Call each company and talk to the receptionist about past due accounts they are not making good on.

If the calls from the medical debt collection agency are from medical billers or collections departments, politely ask them to call you back when they have more information. You want to review the information they give you with your own doctor to make sure you aren't dealing with a fraud. The company may have come up with all of these answers and are trying to convince you to sign over the account. A reputable company would never ask you to do that.

When you go over the information the company gave you with your doctor, look for: negligence, breach of contract and abuse of process. First, let them explain the situation and what is your duty as the patient to report to them. The healthcare debt collection agency will ask you many times how you feel you should proceed.

Usually, they will recommend that you first try and settle the issue with your physician before you attempt to contact the collection company or take other drastic action. It would be best if you could avoid talking to the collections agency altogether.

Don't give in to the collections agency. Keep in mind that they are just trying to help you and are not trying to obtain a large amount of money from you. Sometimes, patients may even complain to their physician that the collections agency is harassing them.

They may ask the physician to remove the accounts receivables from your name. If the physician refuses to comply, you can legally sue the collections agency for harassing and making illegal attempts to contact you.

There really is no secret. You have to act like diligent individuals who want to be paid what is due to you. This means you should conduct proper research and gather all of the relevant information about the debt. If you don't have a lot of experience doing this, it might be a good idea to take on a professional firm to handle this for you.

A third party can help you with the technical details and can do the actual due diligence to ensure you get what you are owed. Check out this article: https://www.britannica.com/topic/debt to get more info on the topic.

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